________________________________________________________________________ THE MARKED - STUDIO TAPE - 1986 _____________SIDE A_____________________________________________________ 1. Life and Death (instrumental) 2. Death of a Mind (Sun demo) 3. Dali Holds the Hand of God (drum machine) 4. Song for Jonathan (drum machine & keyboards, instrumental) 5. The Way That I Do (lot of screaming, harsh voice) 6. Pictures of Phillip (acoustic) 7. Didn't Care at All ("take two") 8. As Yet Untitled- (drum machine, repetitive instrumental) 9. Saturday Morning (drum machine, instrumental with guitar soloing) 10. Pelican (Billy on background vocals, Dale on lead) 11. Tears (instrumental, acoustic) 12. I Pray for More (crazy backwards stuff, drum machine, Dale on vocals) 13. Tibetan Party (drum machine, acoustic, instrumental) ___________SIDE B_______________________________________________________ 1. Pass (drum machine) 2. Scary Neurotic Song (live) 3. Down I Am (drum machine, instrumental, weird little spoken blip towards the end) 4. 8 Miles High (drum machine, Byrds cover) 5. Alone Inside (drum machine) 6. Murder Mix (drum machine, pretty cool song) 7. I Can't See You (female vocalist, repeats title) 8. The Dream (drum machine, instrumental) 9. A Day at the Circus (drum machine 10. Zieg Hiel (drum machine, repeats title) 11. Fade on Violet (drum machine, lyrics are semi-spoken) 12. Cling to Me in Dreamtime (drum machine, instrumental) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________________________________________________________________ THE MARKED - LIVE TAPE - 1986 _____________SIDE A_____________________________________________________ 1. Spinning Like a Top (9/14/86) 2. The Dream (10/10/86) 3. No Answer (10/10/86 - Dale) 4. Girl I Never Loved (9/14/86 - Dale) 5. Must I Really Love You (demo) 6. Blind (demo) 7. Dance Hit #4 (unfinished, instrumental) 8. Christmas Song (12/85, drum machine, female lead vocalist) 9. I Love You (10/10/86) 10. Mastery + Conjecture (10/10/86) 11. The Trance (10/11/86 - "The name of this song is The Trance, we are The Marked") 12. Mao Say Tongue #2 (10/1/86) ___________SIDE B_______________________________________________________ 1. Passion Despise (10/11/86) 2. Death of a Mind (10/11/86) 3. Sacrifice (10/11/86) 4. Anima Animus (10/11/86 - Dale on lead vocals) 5. Scary Neurotic Song (10/11/86) 6. Spiteface (10/11/86 - very similar to SP version) 7. Streetlight (10/1/86 - Dale on lead vocals) 8. Stained Glass Window (10/11/86) 9. Fire [Hendrix] (10/11/86) 10. Mao Say Tongue #1 (Dale on lead vocals) 11. Mastery + Conjecture September 14, October 10/11 dates are Act IV. October 1 date was Empty Keg. All songs but No Answer and Girl I Never Loved are Corgan. Streetlight and Animus are Meiners - Corgan.